Monday, May 25, 2009

Operation: Room Service

Location: The EmoKid's Room
Date: 25.05.09
Time: 1000 hours

Mission Objectives:

1) Re-organize wardrobe
2) Dispose of expired documents & files
3) Cleaning the Major Desk

1) Get the bed organized
2) Fixing burnt out lightings

Mission Summary:

Monday morning, my room was such a mess. It was as if a hurricane passing by. It made my mind even more a mess. So I decided enough is enough. Whatever happens, nothing gonna stop me from launching Operation: Room Service.

First thing, I get rid of all the papers and notes that I had since first semester. That's two years of notes & papers. Tiring work to sort out the good from the bad. But as I said, nothing is gonna stop me. Done that.

Next, wardrobe. It was packed with stuff & clothes that I didin't even know I had. So I cleared out every single clothing that I had, and choose the only ones that I still want. Re-arrange them back in the wardrobe.

Finally, the desk. It was dusty, made my nose itch. Wires ran here & there. Cleared that too. Hopefully it will continue to be clean & tidy. Tiresome....

P/S: Guys & Gals... Trust me... Smaller rooms with lesser items & clothes are much more easier to clean.. ^_^

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