Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Movie Review: Angels & Demons

Today, 26th of May, 2009. I finally get to go to the cinemas. After a long wait. Haha. So here is my first movie review. It is called Angels & Demons, staring Tom Hanks.

From the title, the first thing that came to my mind was this movie will surely feature terrifying ghosts, demons, and so on. Well I was wrong. It is something better, well for me. I don't know about you.

Anyway, I think it is better that you go watch it yourself because it won't be interesting if tell you what the movie is about, right..?
So I am going to skip to my opinions about this movie. This movie has a very interesting & detailed storyline. I was very impressed with the brilliance & the intelligence of Tom Hanks. The way he cracked the clues, and how he thinks, was fascinating, in this movie of course. There are rather disturbing scenes but nothing of the extreme. So, do not worry.

However, this story may be sensitive since it touches on religion. About the Pope, The Vatican City, & so on. Viewers discretion is advise. Overall, I found this movie very fascinating & worth my RM10 watching it.

P/S: Kepada kwn2 ku. Cerita ni mmg menarik sgt2. Contohnya mcm ia membawa kita mengenali tentang Vatican City, dan kisah2 Pope. Akan tetapi, cukup lah kite tahu sbg pengetahuan am. Cerita ni mmg byk menguji Keimanan kite. So byk2 la mengucap dan beristighfar kalau agak2 dah termendalami sgt. Insyallah, kite sentiasa dilindungi dan dijauhi azab-Nya. Amin

Monday, May 25, 2009

Operation: Room Service

Location: The EmoKid's Room
Date: 25.05.09
Time: 1000 hours

Mission Objectives:

1) Re-organize wardrobe
2) Dispose of expired documents & files
3) Cleaning the Major Desk

1) Get the bed organized
2) Fixing burnt out lightings

Mission Summary:

Monday morning, my room was such a mess. It was as if a hurricane passing by. It made my mind even more a mess. So I decided enough is enough. Whatever happens, nothing gonna stop me from launching Operation: Room Service.

First thing, I get rid of all the papers and notes that I had since first semester. That's two years of notes & papers. Tiring work to sort out the good from the bad. But as I said, nothing is gonna stop me. Done that.

Next, wardrobe. It was packed with stuff & clothes that I didin't even know I had. So I cleared out every single clothing that I had, and choose the only ones that I still want. Re-arrange them back in the wardrobe.

Finally, the desk. It was dusty, made my nose itch. Wires ran here & there. Cleared that too. Hopefully it will continue to be clean & tidy. Tiresome....

P/S: Guys & Gals... Trust me... Smaller rooms with lesser items & clothes are much more easier to clean.. ^_^

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Intersesi.. Hurm.. Apakah itu intersesi..? Ialah ketika org bercuti dan korg masih kene stadi kat campus. Aku..? X, aku x ambik intersesi sem nie. Haritu masa member2 aku daftar intersesi, all that was in my mind was "aku nak cuti la, nanti la amek next sem subject tu. Part 6 ke".
Untuk pengetahuan ya'll, subjek yg dimaksudkan adalah ACC 165, lebih dikenali as Costing. Yang aku repeat dari part 2 dan x amek2 lagi smp la skang, nak part 5 dah.

Ah finally holidays. At first, bahagia nyae aku. Yela namenyea cuti. Aku dah mcm2 plan nak lepak2 ngan kwn2 g sane sini. Tapi yg x bestnyea, bile aku dpt tau kwn2 aku ramai yg kerje & INTERSESI. U have no idea how bored and stress I felt. Kalau aku tau baik aku amek intersesi gak. Huh.

And bile aku fikir balik, nape lah aku daftar je costing utk intersesi.. Aku pun sedar, that time I was too following my wants, and I didn't thought of the effects it might have later. Kalau la aku clear semua paper sem ni, xpe. Buatnyea ada tersangkut, xke mati aku. Bertambah2 lagi subjek yg tertunggak. Tapi hopefully not. Well Dann, it's to late to undo what you have done. Just pray and hope for the best.

P/S: Kwn2 tolong doakan aku ye. Please do so. Takut sgt kalau paper sem nie repeat. Hope kite semua berjaye dapat result yg diingini. Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Kuala Lumpur... I'm In Love

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Today, bersamaan dengan 23hb May 2009. Ayahku pergi ESQ Mission & Character Building punye training kat Matrade.

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Such a unique building. X sangke KL ada building mcmtu. Yela, aku kan jarang2 turun KL. Satu sem sekali je.. Wawawawa.

Lpas hantar ayah, aku pun pergi la melepak kat KL dengan classmate aku. Harapan la kalau nk lepak2 sorg confirm sesat. Dier bwk la aku jalan sini sane. X beli pape pun. I'm not a shopping guy la. X minat sgt. Panas tu biasala. Tapi bile kat KL ni aku excited sgt tgk bangunan tinggi2, so mmg pnat ke panas ke mmg x rase lah. Yes. Maybe bagi korg2 yg dok KL, biase jela.

Tapi pastu kejap je la sbb membe aku tu kene masuk keje tghari. Tinggal la aku sorg2. Disebabkan aku x berani nak explore, aku just lepak la kat SOGO tu melalak karoke kat atas, men game dan sebagainyea. Alih2 lepak2 mak aku jemput dekat pukul 3 lebih gak. Gler penat weh aku menapak je kat situ. Pastu kami pun balik la ke Martrade tu untuk menjemput ayah aku yang training nyea habis kol 7.
Skang ni aku dah de kat umah, jap 9.40 mlm, sedang menulis blog yg kalian sedang bace nie.
Though my body is not tired, but my eyes feel very heavy. Aku try melawan. X pasti berapa lama dapat bertahan..

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Well. Aku sememangnyea sudah lama jatuh cinta dgn Kuala Lumpur. Jiwa ku sememangnyea seronok bila berada di sana. Walaubagaimanapun, Seremban tetap Hometown aku. Dulu, kini, dan harap2 sampai future.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Where'd You Go..

Assalamualaikum. Me again. Of course la, xkan org lain plak..Hoho. Mmg dah lame x menulis blog nieh. Well I'm still here, not gone. Just mood nak menulis tu x sampai.
Latest from me, well dah habis dah Part4. Sedang bercuti dan menunggu new sem.
Cuti kali ni, btol2 cuti for me sbb aktiviti2 Komanders aku skip. Yela, ingat Komander ni x cuti ke..? Hehe. Korg pernah dgr fasal ESQ Leadership Training x? Well aku mayb akan jadi ATS untuk beberapa training diaorg. Well actually due je kot. ATS ni Advance Training Series. Kiteorg menjadi sukarelawan tolong2 kat training tu. Sbb training dia ramai. Next yang akan aku pergi ni, ada 1200 participants. So bayangkan je. Insyallah aku akan rajin2 mengupdate kan blog aku sempena cuti nie. Kalau dah bukak sem tu almaklum la, ada plak mase nak menulis.

Hehe. Assalamualaikum.
P/S: Thanks kat Saiyidah Aisyah sbb membuke otak aku utk menulis semule. ^_^